Contact Us

Xin liên lạc với GĐPT Chánh Hòa ở địa chỉ, số phone, email hay điền vào form dưới đây.  Please contact us at the following address, phone number, or email address, or by filling out the form below:

Đoàn Quán GĐPT Chánh Hòa

Chùa Phổ Từ

17327 Meekland Ave

Hayward, CA 94541

Phone: +1 415-845-8565


To join GĐPT Chánh Hòa, please download, fill in, sign and bring to Chánh Hòa's Buddhist Youth Quarter at the Compassion Meditation Center.  You can also fill out this form and submit online. Note that we only accept new members once a year (around July-August timeframe.)  Please check our calendar for more information.

1.  Đơn xin gia nhập - Application (PDF)

2.  Release of liability